HCPC Registered Chartered Psychologist, Chartered Scientist

Ken has acted as a consultant psychologist to a wide range of
public and private sector legal organisations.

Ken has worked as part of the diagnostic team at the Lorna Wing Centre and as a specialist senior educational psychologist for many years in various settings including:

  • higher education
  • health
  • social care 
  • and work environments


He works in a neuroaffirmative capacity with
  • autistic adults,
  • women and girls and,
  • individuals from ethnic minority communities.


He has extensive experience in working with people from minority and ethnic communities. He has experience in providing independent, expert reports for tribunals and for employers. 

He currently specialises in working with autistic adolescents and adults  and is a specialist consultant psychologist for many organisations
including the National Autistic Society (NAS).

Registered as an Expert Witness, Ken has in-depth experience of preparing reports for tribunals and court hearings. 

He has also presented papers at national psychologists’ conferences and has contributed to a variety of professional steering and working groups.
As senior specialist psychologist & advisor to several local authorities, Ken has assumed a number of specialist roles and responsibilities. 
These have involved autism, speech & language impairment, challenging behaviours, physical interventions, specific learning difficulties, and child, adolescent and adult mental health difficulties.
Ken is also a member of the Association of Black Psychologists.
Ken has co-founded the National Autism Special Interest Group for Educational Psychologists. He is a member of the Research Autism Scientific and Advisory Committee National Autistic Society.


Ken specialises in providing psychological consultations for children, young people, adults and families.  

Ken has extensive experience in working with:
  • Culturally diverse families, 
  • Autistic people
  • He also specialises in providing therapeutic support for individuals who have experienced Post Traumatic Stress 
  • And has worked with a range of individual needs from severe learning difficulties to gifted and talented.


Ken is able to conduct, and provide assessments and advice offered on educational needs and or placements; care placements; career aspirations and work-based placements. 

Key Skills

Ken presents with:

  • Exceptional communication skills, with the ability to establish credibility and rapport with individuals and groups; strong presentation skills, comfortable with delivery to audiences ranging in size, knowledge and capability
  • Non-judgmental, inspiring trust and respect in others; strong sense of perspective; caring, reliable, supportive and empathetic
  • Highly developed networking skills, able to work across boundaries and at all levels to develop positive working relationships; particularly effective in a partnership context, quickly generating commitment and engagement
  • Successful problem-solving, conflict management and dispute resolution capability
  • Creative, imaginative and open-minded
  • Strategic vision

Great Achievements

Ken is a Senior Associate Member of the Royal Society of Medicine
He has been involved with a number of organisations including:

  • The Lorna Wing Centre
  • National Autistic Society
  • Sececetra Expert Services
  • Psycholegal Experts
  • Cambridge University
  • Senior Associate of the Royal Society of Medicine
  • Member of Research Autism Steering Committee

Appointments and Additional Qualifications

  • Consultant Psychologist: Independent Schools Council
  • Consultant Specialist Psychologist: Lyn Fry Associates (autism, dyslexia)
  • Consultant Psychologist: Sececetra Expert Services (child protection, fostering)
  • Consultant Psychologist: Argent Rehabilitation (trauma counselling)
  • Consultant Psychologist: Atos Healthcare (adult dyslexia assessments)
  • Consultant Psychologist: Moving Minds (trauma counselling)
  • Consultant Psychologist: Psycholegal Experts (trauma counselling)
  • UK Instructor: PROACT SCIPr (physical interventions for challenging behaviours)
  • Graduate Recruiter/Assessor: Shell UK 
  • Member of the Association of Black Psychologists
  • Distance Course Tutor – Speech and Language Difficulties: Birmingham University
  • Qualified Health and Fitness Consultant
  • Member of Research Autism Steering Committee. National Autistic Society
  • Senior Associate of the Royal Society of Medicine 

Approach and Influences

Committed to applying psychology from a perspective that promotes equality of opportunity; holistic view of assessment, working closely with individuals, groups and organisations, considering a broad range of factors to provide advice that promotes intervention; guided by a central belief in a reflective practitioner’s approach.

Training and Publishing Experience

Provided in-service training and seminars (including interactive seminars with use of video) in the following areas:

Equal Opportunities;: inclusion; psychological assessments; bi-/multi-lingual assessment; observational techniques; interview techniques; challenging behaviours; conflict prevention and resolution; client involvement; stress management; trauma; child development; promoting self-esteem; educational legislation and LEA procedures on special educational needs. 
Publications include: 
  • ‘The Development of an EPS Information Booklet for Pupils’: Educational Psychology in Practice, Vol 16, No 2, 2000
  • ‘LEA criteria and the nature of EP assessment’: Educational Psychology in Practice, Vol 14, No 2, 1998.